Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Anime Spotlight: La Storia della Arcana Famiglia

There is an organization called the Arcana Famiglia, which protects the island of Regalo (Italian for "present"). The Famiglia is made up of people who have made contracts with Arcana cards, and have received special abilities due to this. On his birthday celebration, the "Papa" has decided it is time for him to retire and give up his seat to a new male who has control over an Arcana. To decide who in the "family" gets this seat, he calls for a tournament, called the Arcana Duello, between Arcana-users. To the winner, he promises the "Papa" seat, a wish of the winner's choice and his daughter's hand in marriage. Refusing to accept this, Felicitá decides to fight to choose her own path, with her friends Libertà and Nova fighting for her freedom by her side.

Notable Characters:
1. Felicita

  • the only daughter of the Arcana's leader, Mondo
  • leader of the Sword
  • bears the contract with #6 (the lovers) and #10 (the wheel of fortune) of the Arcana
  • has an owl named Fukulota
  • a strong, excellent fighter. Men are also willing to fight over her due to her attractiveness and beautiful pair of legs
  • fought with her father and won the title as "Head of the Family"

  • bears the contract with #0 (the fool)
  • a soldier under the Intelligence Division
  • his Arcana powers were sealed by Dante because it went uncontrollable
  • his Arcana mark is on his forehead with the power to make whatever he say happens
3. Nova

  • bears the contract with #13 (death)
  • captain of the Holy Grail
  • he is Felicita's cousin and Mondo's nephew
  • his Arcana power has the ability to put anybody to sleep
  • has put his own parents into a deep eternal sleep when he heard them plotting rebellion against Mondo and Sumire

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